...exploring how people shape the world's forests

The Central African Forests and Institutions (CAFI)

Focal countries: Congo Basin, with a focus on Cameroon and Republic of Congo

Dates: 2008 – present

Co-PIs: Arun Agrawal, Rebecca Hardin, Kathleen Bergen, Daniel Brown, Rick Riolo, Thomas Lyon, and John Vandermeer

Other personnel: Jodi Brandt, Silvia Cordero-Sancho and Christoph Nolte

Students: Andrew Bell, Brad Kinder, Jacqueline Doremus, Silvia Cordero-Sancho, Kendra Walker, Jessica Steinberg, Nathan Clay, Achirri Ismael, Shoshannah Lenski, Ann Kelley, and Jesse Worker

Funder: National Science Foundation

Summary: A multi-year study funded by the National Science Foundation, seeking to understand the relationships between Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), industry, and government, and their effects on logging concessions in Cameroon and the Republic of Congo.

Go to the CAFI website


For more information contact Jodi Brandt

