...exploring how people shape the world's forests


Members of the IFRI network are involved in research on the four core themes of biodiversity, livelihoods, institutions and forest carbon. Data is derived both from the central IFRI database and from specific projects.

IFRI Research Methods

The IFRI research program uses a combination of methods to collect data at a site. The methods include mensuration, observation, structured and unstructured interviews, ethnography, and collection of secondary data. IFRI studies therefore collect ecological, socioeconomic and institutional data in forests and settlements, using both natural and social science research methods.

Unlike survey methods, the IFRI researchers do not conduct individual or group interviews with the research instruments in-hand. The IFRI research instruments serve as a guide to the researcher, but are used as face-to-face or as self-administered questionnaires. The questions are memorized by the fieldworker and responses are noted down in a small field notebook. These notes are later transcribed onto the research instruments.

For more detailed information about the structure and content of the IFRI database, theoretical foundations, and findings please see the Detailed Research Strategy.