...exploring how people shape the world's forests


Data Policy
The IFRI network is in the process of developing a data-sharing policy that will set the conditions whereby IFRI data will be made available for public use. As soon as a responsible policy has been developed, it will be posted to this page. For more information about this policy or about using IFRI data, please email ifridatahelp@umich.edu.

Referenced Data Sets

The following data sets are those used in the corresponding papers listed below. They are available to download by clicking on the links.  Please use the following citation format when referencing data from the data sets:

“Data obtained from the International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) research network. [data set name]. Extracted from the IFRI Database 1992-2012. Downloaded [date]”


Paper: Chhatre A. and A. Agrawal. 2009. Tradeoffs and synergies between carbon storage and livelihood benefits from forest commons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(42): 17667-17670

Data-set: ‘Carbon storage and livelihoods’ Download The zip file contains the data set in Stata and in Excel, and the code-book for the variables in a text file.