The Uganda Forestry Resources and Institutions Center (UFRIC) was the first IFRI CRC, founded in 1993 by William Gombya-Ssembajjwe and Abwoli Banana. It is located at Makere University in Kampala, Uganda. UFRIC has collected data for more than 29 sites, and has completed 24 second visits, and 4 third visits.
In addition to its research activities, UFRIC works with communities to develop management plans for their forests and engages in conservation activities. UFRIC plays an active role in the development of a regional sub-network within East Africa by providing training and hosting regional conferences. In addition the UFRIC team members take local community members into other communities to share their experiences.
Since 2006 UFRIC has been involved with the SANREM project. As part of the project they train local communities on how to monitor their forests for ecological changes and signs of forest use. UFRIC helps develop tools to monitor the forests such as informational brochures and informs communties about organizations they may work with to manage their forests.
For further information, contact William Gombya-Ssembajjwe (, Abwoli Banana (, or Joseph Bahati ( You can also visit their website at
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