...exploring how people shape the world's forests


The IFRI research methods consist of eleven survey instruments, each of which should be completed for a given forest site. The instruments facilitate the collection of ecological data in forests, and socio-economic and institutional data in the communities that use those forests. The questions combine open-ended questions (giving greater freedom to write explanatory text responses) and closed questions (that have pre-selected response options). The IFRI manual (accessible below) provides a full explanation of the methods.


Conceptual model for IFRI data collection

A: Forest Association form

F: Forest form

G: Group to Forest form

H: Household form

I: Inter-organization form

O: Site Overview form

P: Forest Plot form

R: Forest Products form

U: User Group form

V: Non-harvesting Organization form





Click here for the full IFRI manual – including a detailed methods section.

Click here for the IFRI Research Instruments – including the household survey instrument.

Click here for the IFRI Research Instrument/Forms- short version.

Click here to enter IFRI data.


Everyone is welcome to use the IFRI research instruments. If you publish research that uses these methods, please cite their use as:

IFRI, 2013. International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) network: research methods. Available from: www.ifriresearch.net.