Anil Bhargava
Anil began working for IFRI as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the fall of 2014. This coming directly after completing his Ph.D. in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Davis, with fields in development, natural resources, and econometrics. His research here focuses on the economic causes of and pathways out of poverty in low-income countries, as they relate to agriculture, agroforestry, natural resource management, and rural labor. This research is inspired by considerable developing country NGO and graduate experience in developing areas of South Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He has also taught applied microeconomics, econometrics, and development economics. The classroom is a venue in which he shares his research motivations and results with students in order to get them involved in both independent and collaborative research projects. More about these experiences can be viewed in detail on his personal webpage linked below.
IFRI Special Issue Collaboration
FLARE Announces Keynote Speakers