...exploring how people shape the world's forests

November 21st-25th, 2016: African ESP Conference

African ESP Conference

November 21-25, Nairobi, Kenya

The first Conference of the Regional Africa chapter of ESP (Ecosystem Services Partnership) will be held onNovember 21-25 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference theme is Ecosystem Services for SDGs in Africa and will focus on Africa’s contribution towards data and evidence on best practices for management, restoration of ecosystem services for decision making particularly towards the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

FLARE members Radhika Dave, Kate Schreckenberg and Anil Bhargava will lead a panel session entitled, “Improving the evidence base for the links between enhanced ecosystem service generation and rural livelihood benefits.” Click HERE to access the online abstract submission system, and submit your abstract by September 2nd.