...exploring how people shape the world's forests

Special Call for Papers: Pathways to Prosperity

We invite abstracts for papers on Pathways to Shared Prosperity for Forest Users and Forest-Reliant Economies. Papers will strengthen available evidence and knowledge about the conditions under which forests have historically been the source of prosperity and reductions in poverty, and how they can in future serve to improve livelihoods and increase welfare and wealth. Papers may be based historical/more recent evidence or use simulations, may focus on local to national/global levels, and may use conceptual approaches from the social or the ecological sciences. Papers will be particularly attentive to concerns of generalizability and representation of key social, economic, and cultural processes that can lead to greater prosperity from forest-related activities.

Selected paper authors will be invited to present their work at the FLARE network conference. Relevant travel and participation expenses will be covered by IFRI and PROFOR, and a final set of papers will be published as a special issue of a major peer-reviewed journal. Authors will also receive $3,000 USD for the paper.

Abstracts should be sent to watkinsc@umich.edu by July 31, 2015, with the subject line, “Pathways to Prosperity full paper abstract”. Abstract guidelines can be found here.

Please note that if you would like to be considered for both this special call for full papers, and the regular call (no paper), please submit your abstract via email as well as via the Submission portal, here.

Selected authors will be notified by August 7, 2015 (after which registration for the FLARE conference will be open). Draft papers will be due October 1, 2015.