...exploring how people shape the world's forests

Dr Indroyono Soesilo: “Global climate change: the role of Indonesia”

 Wednesday, October 17th at 12-1pm Room 1046 Dana Building

Dr Soesilo will discuss the impact of global climate change on Indonesia. Indonesia will be impacted by global climate change in several areas: sea level rise, new and wider ranges of infectious diseases, increased intensity and frequency of El Niño and La Niña, stronger storms and floods from the increased moisture in the air, and a loss of biodiversity.

Dr Soesilo is the Fulbright Distinguished Scholar of 2012 and is currently the Secretary/Deputy Senior Minister to the Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia. He has developed applications for geographic information system (GIS) for disaster planning and mitigation, land use planning, rice yield prediction, marine resource inventory, combating IUU fishing practices and forest management. Dr. Soesilo is a University of Michigan SNRE alum, receiving his Master of Science from the School of Natural Resources in 1981.

Dr. Soesilo